Monday, January 16, 2017

Hello Everyone,

Last week, we wrapped up our math unit on fractions! Students have learned multiple ways to add and subtracts fractions and mixed numbers.  This week, we will begin a unit on decimals. Students will learn how to compare, round, add, subtract, multiply and divide with decimals. Thus, making this unit a bit longer and more intensive than others.  One way we will support the depth of this unit is by having students use Kahn Academy during our math workshop and as an optional homework assignment. Students will get to log into Kahn Academy for the first time this Friday during computer lab.

In writing, we have finished the first section of our argument writing unit with an essay about whether or not schools should serve chocolate milk.  The students did research and wrote a first draft early on in the unit.   Then, we engaged in lessons about how to find further evidence, analyze evidence and explain our thinking, include powerful quotations, and form rebuttals for counterclaims.  Students then used all they know about about good argument writing to write their second draft including these elements.  This week, we will continue the study of argument writing, however students will be writing an essay on the topic they have been studying during reading.

Speaking of reading....students have engaged in researching a second debate topic.  For the topic choices, see the blog post below.  This unit is meant to directly support the writing unit in that students are learning good researching habits, such as taking notes, finding information in unexpected places, and thinking about authors reliability and perspective.   This week, we will finish researching these topics during reading with lessons on analyzing authors crafts as well as evaluating arguments made by authors.

In science, we have been studying energy and sound.  We began our unit with different forms of energy, learning that energy can transform from one type to another.  Then, we narrowed our focus to sound energy in particular.  We explored with some different materials and developed the idea that sound is formed from vibrations.  Students explored this idea further by creating paper cup telephones.  Next, we thought like engineers and decided we came up with ways to make the telephone better, such loudness, clarity and usefulness.  Students then conducted an experiment to test for one of the ideas.  They decided to test whether changing the string or the cups made a difference on loudness or clarity.   This week, we will continue to study sound.

Below are some pictures from the telephone cup activity as well as from our researching!

Have a great week,
Ms. Phillips

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