Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hello All,

I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween last week! As October ends, we too are ending units and will be moving on to new beginnings.

 In math, we learned about the standard algorithm for multiplication and how it connects to the area model representation.  We also worked in groups to solve multi-step word problems.  We discussed the importance of planning ahead and understanding the problem before attempting to solve.   Next week, we will have a test on multiplication to show what we have learned.  The students will review on Monday, and take their test on Wednesday.

In writing, we began wrapping up our narrative unit with a few lessons on editing.  The students used our co-constructed editing checklist to edit their papers for spelling, punctuation, commas and paragraphs.  Next week, we will begin the publishing process in which we will type our stories on the chromebooks in class.
Following the narrative unit, we will begin to study poetry.  One way you can support this unit is by reading and discussing poems at home.  The following questions would lead to great discussions as a family:
-What is the poem about?
What is the theme or message in this poem?
-What types of figurative language do you notice in this poem?
-What is the author really saying or talking about when he/she writes___________________.
-What other craft moves is the author using?

Don't know any great poets?  Here are  a few names to get you started that are appropriate for 5th graders:
Shel Silverstein ( a favorite)
Carl Sandburg
Jack Prelutsky
Emily Dickinson
Robert Frost
Robert Louis Stevenson

Here is a website with 100 poems for children!

     In reading, we will be finishing our unit on fiction. We will be working on the skill of comparing and contrasting two books.  We will dive deep by trying to compare books that might not necessarily seem similar.
    Following this unit, we will begin a unit on nonfiction.   I will be reading aloud some great non fiction books, while extending this work into our guided reading time.  This is really an open ended unit in which students are free to read and learn about any topics that interest them!  One way you can support this learning at home is by discussing your child's interests.  A simple question like, "What do you want to learn more about?"  will help them think of books to choose for their independent reading time.  You might also try a trip to the Sunderland Public library in search of nonfiction books. Although we have many great nonfiction titles in our school library, the public library would offer more options depending on what your child is interesting in reading about.

We will also finish our government unit this week and begin science!  I am so excited to begin our first unit which is about Rocks and Minerals.  We will learn about how rocks and volcanoes are formed, how weathering and erosion cause changes to the landscape, soil types, and how to identify minerals by their properties.  This is a very hands on unit, and students will get to perform many experiments to learn these new concepts.   If you have any suggestions of activities that connect to this unit, please let me know!

Have a fabulous week!
Ms. Phillips

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