Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome to Grade 5!

Hello everyone,

It has been great a pleasure getting to know each of the 5th graders this past week.  Every child in our class has such a wonderful and unique personality which makes for a diverse and lively learning community.   I am looking forward to what I know will be an amazing year!

These first few days have been focused on getting to know one another.  The students have filled out a few surveys regarding their interests and learning styles.  It is so exciting to see such a range! We have also worked on some personal assignments such as our Bio Poem assignment.  Students wrote short poems about themselves using a template and graphic organizer.  Students have also been working on their reading timelines, which they will present to the class.
Our Class Pets: Zaba and Coqui

This week, we will begin developing our hopes and dreams for the year.  We will consider academic, social, and organizational goals that we have for ourselves.  Last week, a letter was sent home about this assignment, along with a post it note for parents to include a goal for their child.  Please return this post it note to me as soon as possible.

We have also been working on developing our daily routines.  For instance, we have been learning how our reader's and writer's workshop will look in our classroom.  We have discussed our expectations for each component of the workshop time.  Additionally, we have learned how to choose Just Right Books that will both peek our interest and grow our reading muscles.  This is such an important skill as students will be allowed to choose books for themselves both at home and in school.

Next week, we will be off to Nature's Classroom!  A letter was sent home with important information regarding this trip.  Additionally, there was a change made to the Pick Up time on Friday September 15th.  Please arrange to have your child picked up at the school by 2:00 p.m.  This will help to avoid the Early Release traffic.

Have a Wonderful Week!
Ms. Phillips